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HOW TO: Lose 10 pounds in 3 days - Military Diet , Does it work?

fitnessyanyi zhen44 Comments

Hey there! 

So one of my good friends Rocio Laura recently did this 3 day diet thing that supposedly you can lose up to 10 lbs in 3 days, so I googled it and lone behold the Military Diet came up! I am going to be going on vacation to Cancun in a month so I figured I’d give it a shot to get my bikini body ready. J And of course I decided to record my experience and results to share with you all ! Please keep in mind as you read on , this is my personal experience on this diet, in no way shape or form do I claim to be a dietician or nutritionist ! This is solely a recollection of my personal experience on the 3 day Military Diet.

What is it? And how does it work? You might ask…

Well from all my research I found that The Military Diet is an approx. 1000 calorie a day diet, where you eat the specific foods for 3 days. The claim is that the combinations of food chemically breakdown each other to achieve ultimate fat burn and helps stimulate weight loss. (Honestly I was sold when it said I could pretty much eat vanilla ice cream every night and lose weight! J) Oh yea, did I mention you get to have ice cream!? Yup!  

So… did it work for me? Well let me start by sharing the food plan and how I felt each day on the diet to give you a little perspective. Note, I did not weigh myself for the 3 days I was on the diet, I weighed myself on day 4 , which is when I was fully back to my normal routine. You don’t want to weigh yourself while you are doing the diet because it can fluctuate during those 3 days. So .... let's get started ! =D

By the way, if you are not a reader and don't want to read this full article, you can CLICK HERE  for the video documentary I did on this diet journey. :) ya welcome... 


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Day 1 was not bad at all; breakfast was pretty delicious, except the black coffee, which EW! How do people drink this stuff black!? You are not allowed to add milk or sugar, you can add a natural no calorie sweetener like Stevia if you want, but honestly I just chugged it with a straw and got it over with LOL. You can substitute with caffeinated tea if you are not a coffee drinker also. Lunch was more like a snack so I was fine with that, I added a little salt and pepper to the tuna to offset some of the canned taste and dinner was the best part of course because I got to have me some vanilla ice cream!

I thought I was going to feel hungry or deprived during this diet, but honestly I felt pretty satisfies, but I do have to say I felt a little weird all day, almost like my stomach was digesting all day and at some points I felt a little nauseous, at first I thought it was me, but my sister did this diet with me and she said she felt the same too. But let me be clear, I didn’t feel sick to the point where I was not functional, just felt different. I think it was the foods kind of burning away and jump starting my metabolism that made me feel that way. Of course you might not feel this way , it all depends on the person.

Did you try it ? How did you feel on Day 1 ? Share with me in the comment! :)

Moving on to Day 2 ! 


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Day 2 was not bad either, breakfast was pretty satisfying , the original diet does not call for coffee for Day 2 breakfast, but I did have a cup because I had gone to the gym at 5 am that morning and had to go to work , so yes this girl needs her caffeine fix LOL. Today I notice I felt cravings, not really hungry hungry, but I just kept thinking about foods I wanted to eat when day 4 came, yes not effective at all ! LOL I mean I was never the one to deprive myself of foods I love to eat to keep fit, I like to combine regular exercise and portion control to maintain my weight. I’m a believer that you can have what you want, it’s just controlling how much and when you have it. Anyways, lunch was pretty gross because of the cottage cheese, YUCK! Plain cottage cheese was pretty disgusting, so I detested eating it and I will be honest I didn’t finish it, I had maybe 1 oz left, I just could not do it anymore , I felt like puking! But the hardboiled egg and the saltine crackers hit the spot! I topped it off with a cup of green tea to wash it all down. The diet allows you to drink as much tea as you want, so I naturally went for the green tea as it helps boost your metabolism too. Dinner was fantastic , it was very filling and the portions were ginormous and to top it off ICE CREAM! OMG I live for that ice cream life! ! haha. Point blank went to sleep a happy camper :) 


Day 3, okay let's be real here , DAY 3 SUCKED !! The portions were small and the food was bleh! Breakfast was not that bad , I think the cheddar cheese made it all okay somehow LOL. The diet did not specify what a "slice of cheddar" really was so I improvised the portion based on the single portion size on the label. Lunch was absolutely miserable, I could barely focus at work , by the time lunch came around I felt weak, so I made sure to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water and green tea and eating 2 pieces of sugar free gum (which you are allowed). By the time dinner came around I felt completely deprived and starving, not to say dinner sucked, a cup of plain tuna YUCK! so I gave my tuna a little spunk by heating it up in a pan and seasoning with salt and pepper and squeezed a couple of drops of lemon to cut the fishiness, again the only thing that save my day was the ice cream! After the ice cream I felt satisfied and I think that is the strategy of this diet to be honest. Hmmm.. 

FINAL RESULT - How Much Weight Did I lose?

Alright , alright ... Drum roll please.... 

Ready... ready? OKAY! :) So unfortunately I only lost 2 pounds :( I don't know I think my body is weird ! But ! My sister did this diet with me and she lost 5 lbs ! So yes! it is possible to lose up to 10lbs on this diet. It really depends on your body, metabolism and how your diet was before you start the military diet. Honestly my body is always weird LOL , what usually works for people doesn't work me ..I know I'm weird hehe. But I have ready so many success stories on people who lost the full 10 pounds, on average I've notice most people lose 5lbs. 

Now you can only do this diet 3 days at a time, you cannot do it for more than 3 days consecutively and that it because you need to allow your metabolism to reset for optimal weight loss. Check out this website where I got most of my information from if you have more questions. 

Well if you do decided to try this diet, or have already tried it, I would love to know how you did! Leave me a comment!!

I did a full video on this journey so you can check it out! Linked right below! 

Good luck ! 
